Lamination Project     Sep 24,2003


退休第一年, 選修玻璃課程.第一堂課,練習切玻璃.




     Source Image-- 

       The Studio                                            

   “The Studio” was painted by Braque, Georges, 1882-1963, French painter.

    1990 he was deeply i nfluenced by Cézanne. He met Picasso, and the two all together

    explored form and structure with results that led to the development of Cubism.

    Braque represents the analytical phase of movement with his intense sense of structure

     and orderly method of decomposing an object.

    After World War1, Braque turns away from the angularity of early cubism and

    developed a more graceful, curvilinear style, mainly painting still life.

    His works showed restraint and sensitivity both in design and color. 

    The postwar work of Braque-“The Studio” developed a few basic themes.

    The spaces of content of “The Studio” series of five painting were expressed

     in vertical phase of varying thoughtfulness;

     a mysterious bird that featured in this series was a symbol of aspiration.

Deconstruction of painting


   The basic composition already established in the painting structured around the rectangular form of.

   The white bird, which preside over, the composition detached from its red canvas,

    related closely to several other alongside.   

       Glass sculpture  

      glass work 2.jpg

    Some of technical problems occurred while I was cutting and gluing glass, the fabrication doesn’t turn out, as I expected. Some extra pieces of glass have been added for keeping balance of standing upright, but they break up the composition of the picture and seems lost the focus point.



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