接到這封email時, 才想起2002年.我不經意的將手邊一些棄置的作品中,
挑些給大哥帶回西雅圖留存. 大哥從中挑選一張送給他的至友 Dr. Earll Mu.
沒想到 DR,Earll Murman 非常珍惜這張畫, 慎重的為之加框,
賦予重大的意義, 掛在家中重要的位置。剎時間, 我有些不安,
或該說是受寵若驚. 真正讓我心動是那份真誠與尊重.
而不是過份的讚賞或恭維. 這份感動或許是永續記憶中最美的
你送給我朋友Dr. Earll Murman 的畫,他很珍惜。特别去訂造了畫框,
畫送給識貨人,我想你一定會很高興。 Telu(我的大哥)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Earll Murman <murman@mit.edu>
Date: Thu, Jul 24, 2008 at 9:32 PM
Subject: Your sister's picture
Hi Wen Huei
We finally got your sister's water color back from the framer.
We are waiting for some furniture to be refinished for the room where
it will hang before we put it up. But I took a picture of it for you.
We really like how the frame gives an additional depth to the picture.
You'll have to come see it this fall. Also attached is the write up about
We really like how the frame gives an additional depth to the picture.
You'll have to come see it this fall. Also attached is the write up about
the picture which is in a sleeve on its back.
I wish you sister could come see it, but there are too many miles
between WA and Taiwan.
between WA and Taiwan.
We are having a busy summer. Rena's mom decided to relocate to PT.
She loves being close to family. Rena is in Phoenix helping her pack
She loves being close to family. Rena is in Phoenix helping her pack
and they fly here this Sunday. I meet them at the airport,
hand them the keys to the car, and then fly to Chicago for a meeting at Purdue.
Rena and I will meet up and head to VT for a few days with friends and to see some plays.
Rena and I will meet up and head to VT for a few days with friends and to see some plays.
We'll be back Aug 5.
Hope Kathleen his home from NY and that all is well with the both of you.
一張被棄置的水彩, 竟被慎重的加上畫框. 早知如此, 該挑張好一點的畫送給他

背後還加註大哥為我寫的生平. 但是有些"碰風" 似乎來不及修正了.

我想,反正也不認識對方,沒有受批評的壓力, 就放心的回台灣隱居渡餘年了.