復健科醫生聽說有一種新藥, 只要藥粉泡水暍即可, 卻避談細節.
我到診所相關藥房詢問, 藥師拿給我這張說明如下:
『阿嬤!這是法國進口的新藥很好用,可以解決骨鬆問題 服用方法很簡單』
『它的成份是什麼?』 藥師:『%#*&@!..???......』
我帶著"廣告單"回家上網查. 中文網站幾乎沒有服藥安全警語.
PROTOS(Strontium ranelate)(中文:補骨挺疏),有別於以往的骨鬆藥物:
2. 每日睡前服用一包,加水充分攪拌後服用
3. 服用後無須長時間(一般為30分鐘)坐直或站立
What PROTOS is
The name of your medicine is PROTOS.
The medicine contains the active ingredient strontium ranelate.
成份是鍶, 聽過沒?
PROTOS does not contain any hormones.
Ingredients 成份
Each sachet of PROTOS 2g contains 2g of strontium鍶ranelate
as the active ingredient and a number of inactive ingredients.
The inactive ingredients include aspartame阿斯巴特〔一種糖精〕。
maltodextrin麥芽糊精, mannitol.(甘露糖醇)
Aspartame contains a source of phenylalanine. 苯基丙胺酸.
PROTOS is gluten and lactose乳糖-free
What PROTOS is used for 用途
You may be prescribed PROTOS for osteoporosis. 治骨質疏鬆
There is no evidence that PROTOS is addictive.成癮
Take special care with PROTOS: 特別留意
If you are being treated, or have been treated, for blood clots. 血栓
If you are confined to bed or if you are to undergo an operation that
subsequently requires a period of bed rest. The risk of vein thrombosis
(blood clots in the leg) may be increased in the event of lengthy immobilisation.
PROTOS contains aspartame. 阿斯巴特〔一種糖精〕
If you suffer from phenylketonuria苯酮尿。
(a rare, hereditary disorder of the metabolism新陳代謝) t
alk to your doctor before you start to take this medicine.
Taking other medicines 同時服其他藥物時
PROTOS is unlikely to interact with other medicinal products. However,
it is recommended that if you are taking tetracyclines四環素。
(a type of antibiotic) or drugs containing calcium,
you should wait at least 2 hours between a dose of these medicines and taking PROTOS.
Your doctor may advise you to take calcium and vitamin D supplements
in addition to PROTOS. You should wait at least 2 hours between
a dose of calcium and taking PROTOS.
How to take PROTOS 中文網站巳說明如前述
How long to take PROTOS for
Your doctor will tell you how long you should continue to take PROTOS for.
Osteoporosis therapy is usually required for a long period.
It is important that you continue taking PROTOS for as long as your doctor
prescribes the medicine.
While you are taking PROTOS
You must Tell all doctors, dentists and pharmacists involved with
your treatment that you are taking PROTOS.
Side effects 副作用
PROTOS helps most people with osteoporosis, but it may sometimes have
unwanted side effects. These can include:
nausea, diarrhoea, headache and skin irritation.
These side effects are usually mild when they occur.
Do not be alarmed by this list of possible side effects.
You may not experience any of them.
However if you do - or if you notice anything else that is
making you feel unwell - you should consult your doctor or pharmacist.
An uncommon side effect of PROTOS is a blood clot in a vein (thrombosis).
You should consult your doctor at once if you experience pain or swelling
in the legs or unusual or sudden shortness of breath.
美國的 Cholestin® 成份是魚油,
ingredients (柑橘類植物)and palm fruit extract Geraniol(香葉醇) Lemon Oil, Beeswax,蜂蠟 Carmine (for color).
Serving Size: 1 softgel 525 mg
*Proproetary Blend
* Marine Lipids魚油
*Sytrinol™† (Proprietary blend of natural citrus
* Daily Value not established
Oother Ingredients: Gelatin明膠, Lecithin卵磷脂,
台灣的 Cholestin™ 紅麴清醇膠囊成份是含
HMG-CoA 還原酵素抑制劑,就是含 lovastatin的紅麴
骨骼再生與骨質密度的重要元素(Strontium) 鍶